Our programs are driven by the community's need to engage in quality art programs. They include our innovative signature Cultural Connect Youth Art Education Program(STEAM) program, which celebrates the diversity of the global community. The objective of the program is to educate students about their diverse communities, people, and opportunities. We also have educational mentorship programs, University panels, climate resilience, and disaster preparedness seminars that impact the community.
Our Programs
Our Programs
Caribbean American Cultural Arts Foundation's programs have supported youth art therapy educational engagement through a virtual series connecting communities around the world. We created artistic content for the community to enjoy during the recent global pandemic. We plan long-term efforts that offer support and impact change for generations. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to developing cultural arts programs and educational mentorship. C.A.C.A.F. values our communities and focuses on studying, advancing, and presenting Caribbean arts, culture, and humanities. Our Work In Action highlights the programs.

CACAF's Cultural Connect Youth Art Education Program(STEAM) program is an essential program that helps fill the gap by giving underserved multicultural students access to learn and grow their artistic, and developmental skills. The program allows them to develop the language math, engineering, and reading skills needed for their professional development, and compete with their peers. Our programs have identified an additional need for food security opportunities for the families that we serve. The program's goal is to close the gap in cultural understanding and build a future diverse community of inclusion. We can ensure better community leaders, who will embrace emotional intelligence because they experience knowledge from an artistic lens. The Cultural Connect Program celebrates the POWER OF ART to IMPACT CHANGE!

Caribbean American Cultural Arts Foundation's (CACAF) objectives include economic opportunities for high school and college students. Our overall programs are comprehensive to underserved multicultural communities, Collegiate Careers, workshop mentorship placement, disaster relief, and senior health services. Our mission allows communities to access programs, which are not readily available through government institutions. We serve African-American, Hispanic, and Asian communities throughout the nation. We have relaunched our college tour which includes job placement, and professional training opportunities for HBCUs, Liberal Arts, and public colleges that serve multicultural students.
Impact Change in the Global Community
Our team is dedicated to our mission to impact change from our neighborhood to the global community. We look at various focus areas that are impactful to the broader community. Our programs are centered around environmental initiatives, Youth Arts and Education, Senior Services, and professional mentorships. Our objective is to effectively address the socioeconomic issues that impact disadvantaged communities. Over the next decade, we plan to impact underserved communities that are in severe need of quality programs. We impact change in the community through career placement, development programs, and education tools to compete globally, thus closing the economic gap to build stronger communities.

The foundation was founded on helping disaster relief efforts in the Caribbean. We believe that provocative measures dedicated to climate resilience are beneficial. We use the capacity of individuals, communities, ecosystems, and systems to effectively anticipate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the adverse impacts of climate change. Our comprehensive approach includes adaptation measures, mitigation actions, community engagement, infrastructure resilience, ecosystem management, early warning systems, capacity building, and integration of climate considerations into policies and planning. Building climate resilience is crucial in the face of a changing climate, helping to minimize vulnerabilities, protect essential functions, and enhance the ability of various entities to withstand and recover from climate-related shocks and stresses.
Our outreach programs are a crucial facet of initiatives aimed at fostering inclusivity and addressing the unique needs of BIPOC communities. This outreach involves proactive engagement with diverse groups, understanding their specific challenges, and implementing targeted programs to empower and uplift individuals within these communities. By establishing meaningful connections, providing resources, and amplifying the voices of marginalized groups, our BIPOC Community Outreach seeks to bridge gaps in access to education, healthcare, employment, and social services. It plays a vital role in building trust, breaking down systemic barriers, and fostering collaboration between organizations, policymakers, and community members.

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Our community services cater to the unique needs of seniors, addressing various aspects of their lives such as health, social engagement, and independence. We have served over 120+ seniors with medical care. This healthcare assistance support was beneficial to the long-term life expectancy of the aging community. Our programs aim to promote active aging, mitigate social isolation, and ensure that seniors can age in place with dignity and independence. Whether through community centers, senior living facilities, or home-based care, senior services we partner with institutions that support the aging population and foster a society that values and cares for its elderly members.

Hon. Ambassador Andrew Young Jr. and his wife
2018 Captains of Industry Marcus Garvey Leadership Honoree